Vacation in the Heart of Israel

We were shocked to hear the antisemitic and anti-Biblical decision of Airbnb to ban from their listings, our B&Bs in Judea, Binyamin and Samaria, the Biblical Heartland.

Join us against BDS!

Watch this beautiful video of the various breathtaking B&Bs in the Binyamin Region, the Heart of Israel.

Come and taste what the Heart of Israel has to offer. You can order a B&B through this website:













More To Explore

Wild West in the Middle East

How do Israel’s frontier farms keep the Heart of Israel beating safe and strong? The beeping of his alarm clock wakes David up at five.

Hoops in the Heart of Israel

On a warm summer evening in 2015, the adult basketball league of East Binyamin played in the town of Eli. Kochav Hashachar faced off against

live meaningfully

Please tell us about the cause you want to support. We’ll give you a call to discuss it further!