“…A land flowing with milk and honey” – The verses from Exodus come alive at Negohot Bee Farm
“And the Lord spoke unto Moses: ‘Depart, go up hence, thou and the people that thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt,
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“And the Lord spoke unto Moses: ‘Depart, go up hence, thou and the people that thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt,
“And the Lord said unto Abram: ‘Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward and southward and eastward and
Surrounded by rugged hills and breathtaking scenery, located in Israel’s Heartland is an institution known as the Ofra Field School. Ariel Filber, director of the
Born in Beer Sheva, Israel and raised in France, Rubis Nakash always felt that something was missing from her life. She always felt a pull
“And thou shalt eat and be satisfied, and bless the Lord thy God for the good land which He hath given thee” (Deuteronomy 8:10). After
Everyone knows that setting up your friends is a nice thing to do. In Judaism, setting up a potential couple is known as a “shidduch,”
Upon visiting Maanit Rabinovich’s hometown of Kida, you will be greeted by the famous rugged hills of Samaria. Maanit and her family were the very
“And all the first-born of man among thy sons shalt thou redeem. And it shall be when thy son asketh thee in time to come,
Maanit Rabinovich Upon visiting Maanit Rabinovich’s hometown of Kida, you will be greeted by the famous rugged hills of Samaria. Maanit and her family were
According to Jewish tradition, when someone loses a close family member, they are required to follow a set of laws of a mourning period. This
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